I just finished my second trip to the Nice, France area (ever) with the task of finding a place to live. In case you missed it, my family and I are moving to the area around Sophia Antipolis on a work assignment in early 2012.  The exact moving date is yet to be decide until […]

It’s been a dream of mine since the late 90’s to own a Land Rover Defender 110. Unfortunately, they stopped selling them new in the United States in 1997 due to US safety regulations, which makes them hard to find in good shape at a reasonable price. After deciding to move to France, one of […]

In June of 2011, I traveled to France to speak at a conference in Cannes. While there we did some exploring and ultimately started us thinking seriously about whether we could make a move to France or not. You can see the full gallery on Flickr. You can see the full gallery on Flickr.

The perfect travel companion, the iSurge Travel Charging Station simplifies the task of charging your multitude of gadgets by reducing the number of chargers your need to carry while also providing power outlets with surge protection. This all-in-one adapter includes three regular AC outlets (USA), two USB ports (with 2.1-amp outputs), a 30-pin dock on […]

It’s official- we are moving to France. I am leaving my current job on November 4th and will be moving just outside of Nice, France in February. It was a tough decision to leave my current because I love the mountains, my team and all of the great friends I have made, but turning down […]

I’ve never been one to write in a journal (online or offline) and I’ve never had the desire to blog publicly about my life, until now.  I’m partial to 140 characters (@mikeslone) and I prefer visual storytelling in the form of photos and video. But, if things go as planned I could be embarking on […]